Please post your feedback if any in the comments section below.
Rules and Decorum:
* TS3 is not mandatory but highly recommended even if you are on mute.
* Users who are on mute for one hour mins or more can be auto kicked by timer but can avoid this by taking simple actions in ts3 such as chatting, changing rooms, poking etc
* Use your guildwars2 account name for ts3 login (atleast use it as part of nickname separated by a hyphen etc; say for e.g mine is Apollor-Suran and my gw2 tag is Suran.1057)
* Contact your squad leaders (Assaulters) or officers (Marauders) or leaders (Warlords) to get rank assigned in teamspeak
* Server address and password is posted on Guild Message board
* No extreme profanity or derogatory words
* No voice mods unless an officer or leader is present and agrees
WarLords: Leaders|TS3 & Website Admins|No Idle timer|Access all ts channels, Inner Sanctum and Officers Lounge
Marauders: Officers|TS3 & Website Moderators|No Idle timer|Access all ts channels and Officers Lounge
Assaulters: Squad leaders and TS3 (partial Moderators) | No Idle timer
Raiders: Veterans and Mercenaries| Idle timer of 4 hours
Barbarian Grunts: Members | Idle timer of 4 hours
Review: Idle timer of 1 hour. Teamspeak members with no permissions assigned and will have access restricted to Lobby
Lobby: Default room where no special ts3 rank is required. However users with no ranks assigned will time out after 1 hour
Hangouts: Default room for all ts3 validated members
Guest: In rare cases you want to bring in a guest, ping Assaulters, Marauders or Warlords for a temporary password
Dungeons: For dungeons
Fractals: For Fractals
PVP1- Red Team
PVP2 - Blue Team
World Completion: For map completion etc
Inner Sanctum: Reserved for Warlords
Diablo3: For d3 gamers
The Quiet Room: No talking is allowed. A place to chill and reflect when you need that personal space in the game.
Officers Lounge: Reserved for Assaulters, Marauders or Warlords
AFK: AFK room and members will be moved to this room after 1 hour of being afk